Sharp Monica

An honest voice in Italian paradise.


About the Author

Sharp Monica writing since 1980. In the last twenty-five years I’ve published professional writing, non-fiction, legal, Op-Ed, travel, poetry, and more. I’ve also translated Spanish, French, and Italian into English.


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Are you a savvy, independent traveler? You’re less daunted by language, but don’t speak fluent Italian. You can book a flight and reserve lodging in a second. But how can you know, once you arrive, that you are really digging in to the local culture, and having the most authentic possible experience?

Enter Flo+.

I’ve lived in Florence for almost ten years and have traveled to almost every corner of Italy since 1995. I speak Italian and am down with local culture. I’m warm and meet people quickly. I love the pockets of humor that hide in every exchange. I can help you quickly make sense of all this, and ensure that your time away is time best spent on doing what you like to do. No tourist traps. No trinket-shop kickbacks. Just a conversation.

A resident of Europe for 15 of the last 30 years, mostly in Italy, but also Spain and France for about a year each. My travels have taken me from the tip of Portugal to Poland, from Puglia to Edinburgh, from Lyon to Seville, Budapest to Slovenia. Austria in winter and Dublin in summer. I completed part of the Camino de Santiago alone in 2005 in some very creative ways! I love Europe and all its cultures. I’ve also traveled extensively throughout North America and South America. I’m a flexible traveler with decades of experiential knowledge and aplomb that I’d like to share with like-minded travelers.

I have long been the go-to travel advice person for a large and loose network of people. Word of mouth travels fast, and friends who come to Florence – and friends of friends – often find me for these conversations, before and during their travel. I love chatting with them to see what they want to do, and how I can help them find and refine the activities best suited to them.

I’ll use my knowledge of Florence in particular, Italy at large, and Europe in general to help guide you through your on-the-ground decisions in Florence. I’ve got a solid grasp on my adopted city, and an encyclopedic internal reference of activities and best of. Where to dine? How to daytrip, and when? Best bar with a view? Where to take a laptop to a quiet corner with good Wi-Fi to work? How to order and organize all these must-sees?

We can manage this together.
We’ll discuss your goals and budget and comfort level before you arrive. You bring your ideas to me. I’ll supplement, refine, and provide options. When you arrive, I’ll meet you for a coffee, say hello, help orient you to place. I’m available on email or WhatsApp while you’re here to help you manage questions, prioritize activities, and meet locals when you wish!

Message me on the Contact link to start a conversation, discuss rates, and build your trip plan.