International Consumer Report: Why Are These Brands Cool in Italy
(The women pictured above is most certainly American, and the only person on the planet who really ought to be wearing Wranglers, unless she is
I live and work in Florence, Italy. My international spirit travels with an American passport but I’ve long since lost count of all the relevant metrics. I am very much at home in Europe. Italy as been my cultural north star since 2004. I moonlight as a legal researcher for a local law firm. My off-hours are filled with parenting, managing various people and projects, and literature. I have worked professionally in higher education, international education, software development, fine art, and writing and publishing. Learn More about Monica Learn More about my Publications
(The women pictured above is most certainly American, and the only person on the planet who really ought to be wearing Wranglers, unless she is
Friends, Romans, lend me your ears! I am almost done with the Shakespeare project! More than eighteen months later and after a few false starts
My Shakespeare Project is nearing its final assignments. I’ve got four more plays to go now that Othello is complete: Coriolanus and King Lear, neither
Last week I returned from a trip to Upper Michigan, a place I hadn’t set foot in since the summer of 1992 when I was
All’s Well That Ends Well is a late-phase work from 1604-1605, well toward the end of Shakespeare’s career. Queen Bess had been dead for some
My salad days,When I was green in judgment, cold in blood,To say as I said then. – Cleopatra, Act I, Sc. 5 “As a great