Sharp Monica

An honest voice in Italian paradise.

The Oligarch’s Cookbook: Premise

Risultati immagini per measuring cups
A cup of hubris, half cup of privilege, etc. What goes into this mess
that passes for leadership?

I had a lovely intro for this larger piece all written up and forgot to post it before I put up Michael Cohen Meringue! Well, here it is. If you’d like the recipe for Farage Sauce, it’s coming up next. You’ll want to liberally ladle this cloying sauce over any prepared dish to immediately ruin it.

How did the whole world get to this place? One year we go to bed, and it’s all Obama and Gordon Brown and relative sanity. We disappear into Facebook, live in our unburst bubble, and wake up to … this?

Trump and his offspring, America in a constitutional crisis, Britain’s spiteful divorce from the EU going not at all well. Italy has taken a turn to the right, the gilets jaunes are making a mockery of Macron, a paunchy man in Hungary seems to be getting a lot of votes lately.

How did it come to this? Who are these people in charge?

Imagine a malevolent chef in his kitchen. Whipping up leaders, elections, politics. Everything, everyone comes from somewhere. Nothing is created in a vacuum. 

In a beleaguered and thinking person’s quest to comprehend what has happened to put all these … these people in charge, I give you … The Oligarch’s Cookbook. The news that a woebegone voter reads as circumstances become ever more surreal have been transformed into a collection of recipes that amuse and pierce the essence of what the hell has this all come to.

Trump, Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. Jared. Barron and Melania. Imagine each of them as a dish that one might create in a test kitchen to find out just how awful something could be. Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr. Michael Cohen. More. 

Gallows humor will save us. How much dark news can we consume before an ugly alien bursts from our collective chest?

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