The time has come! The time is now! JUST GO, GO, GO! I DON’T CARE HOW!
Donald J. Drumph, will you please go now?!
I see you in flight, to your ducks well-teathered / and though you be tarred, they be feathered / and from first class, the birds, they count seven / may they swiftly convey you to your sunk Tyrant heaven.
Donald J. Drumph, I don’t care when, I don’t care HOW! Donald J. Drumph, will you please go now?!
Your battering tantrums have weakened our world / I can’t hear your soundbites, I only see your lip curled / I’m tired of explaining how we got to this point / our federal branches, all three out of joint.
I’ve fretted and read and armchair analyzed you / I still can’t understand how your sycophants prize you. / In this pandemic year, all my goodwill is spent. / I said, ‘GO’! and ‘GO’, I meant!
Après Seuss. With my eternal thanks and recognition for how his poetry washed up on my juvenile shores in the seventies, remain buried treasure to this day, and deeply so. Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! is a 1972 children’s book by Dr. Seuss. Apparently he did release a version of it that was Nixon-specific, back when presidents knew shame.
Wishing everyone a kinder, gentler 2021. Remembering when leaders aspired to civility.
2 Responses
Happy New Year, Monica. Thanks for sharing. Many years before your childhood, Dr Seuss was part of mine. I well remember The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham,and other wonderful books. The texts but also the illustrations were so great.
Thanks for this reminder!
A presto,